full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Tiq Milan and Kim Katrin Milan: A queer vision of love and marriage

Unscramble the Blue Letters

TM: I didn't know what kind of love I neeedd. I had just come out of a year-long fog of being retcejed and utterly dltpeeed. I had someone look me in my eyes and tell me that I was unworthy of their love because I was trans. And there's a culture of lovelessness that we've created around transgender people. It's reasoned, justified and often signed into law. And I was a heartbeat away from internalizing that megasse, that I wasn't worthy. But Kim said that I was her ideal — the heartbroken mess that I was.

Open Cloze

TM: I didn't know what kind of love I ______. I had just come out of a year-long fog of being ________ and utterly ________. I had someone look me in my eyes and tell me that I was unworthy of their love because I was trans. And there's a culture of lovelessness that we've created around transgender people. It's reasoned, justified and often signed into law. And I was a heartbeat away from internalizing that _______, that I wasn't worthy. But Kim said that I was her ideal — the heartbroken mess that I was.


  1. needed
  2. rejected
  3. depleted
  4. message

Original Text

TM: I didn't know what kind of love I needed. I had just come out of a year-long fog of being rejected and utterly depleted. I had someone look me in my eyes and tell me that I was unworthy of their love because I was trans. And there's a culture of lovelessness that we've created around transgender people. It's reasoned, justified and often signed into law. And I was a heartbeat away from internalizing that message, that I wasn't worthy. But Kim said that I was her ideal — the heartbroken mess that I was.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
fully complex 2

Important Words

  1. created
  2. culture
  3. depleted
  4. eyes
  5. fog
  6. heartbeat
  7. heartbroken
  8. ideal
  9. internalizing
  10. justified
  11. kim
  12. kind
  13. law
  14. love
  15. lovelessness
  16. mess
  17. message
  18. needed
  19. people
  20. reasoned
  21. rejected
  22. signed
  23. trans
  24. transgender
  25. unworthy
  26. utterly
  27. worthy